Japan Karate of El Cajon

About Us

To begin with, this is a Japanese style of karate-do called Shito-ryu (pronounced " Shhh-toe REW", so you drop the "i" in Shito, and "ryu" is pronounced liked "DEW, with an R").  There are 4 major main central styles of karate-do:  Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, and Wado-ryu.

I (Sensei Kevin) am a 4th Degree Black in Shito-ryu, awarded by Sensei Shimabukuro in 2011.  I am actively training at all times.  I at the Rec Centers for City of El Cajon, and operate a karate training hall ("dojo") at 586 Broadway, El Cajon, 92021.

I have taught children / kids since 1994 at several dojos, and have conducted after-school programs such as Jamacha Elementary School in South Bay, and three schools sites in Santee. 

 Japan Karate of El Cajon current teaches two classes through the City of El Cajon.  Classes are being conducted at HIllside Rec Center.

Two ages groups are being taught:  4-6 year olds, and 7-14 year olds.

Currently the classes are held Monday and Friday.  The younger age group is called "Little Dragons" and is taught from 6:00p - 6:30p.  The next age group (7-11) is called "Kids Karate" and is taught from 6:40p - 7:30p.

The City of El Cajon sends out a booklet to all residents advertising these classes, or you can go online under City of El Cajon, Recreation Dept and look them up.  These class sizes are limited / capped, so register early.

The formal dojo at 586 Broadway has the following  dates and hours:  T W Th, age 4-6 from 5-5:30p, age 7-11 from 5:30 - 6:30p, and older kids / higher ranking kids & adults 7:30-8:30p.

The dojo is a recommended setting for the more serious students.

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