Japan Karate of El Cajon

Heian Shodan

Kata emphasizes neko ashi dachi (cat stance) / shito uke (knife hand block)

Cat stance to left w/ left foot forward, left arm side block (yoko uke),

w/ right fist at ready (kamae) position by right temple

Uchi uke (inside block) gedan (lower) level followed by kensui uchi (hammer strike) in heiko dachi stance, pull right hand

Same moves to left

Cat stance to right w/ right foot forward, right arm side block,

w/ left fist at ready (kamae) position by left temple

Uchi uke (inside block) gedan (lower) level followed by hammer strike in heiko dachi stance, pull left hand

Rotate 1/4 turn to right, cat stance right leg forward w/ side block followed by immediate front kick right leg

Do a complete half-turn to the left, left leg forward cat stance and left hand shito uke (knife hand block)

step in w/ right hand shito uke, right foot forward cat stance

step in w/ left hand shito uke, left foot forward cat stance

step in full forward stance (zenkutsu dachi) and spear hand (nukite) KIAI!

back leg moves to 45-deg angle to left, left foot cat stance w/ left shito uke

step in right foot cat stance w/ right hand shito uke

right foot moves 1/4 turn to right, cat stance w/ right shito uke

step in left foot cat stance w/ left hand shito uke

move 1/8 turn to left, left leg forward in full front stance, block w/ yoko uke left hand

step in front kick right leg, followed by immediate reverse punch left hand, then left hand yoko uke

step in left leg mae geri to zenkutsu achi w/ right hand reverse punch

step in right leg front zenkutsu dachi, right hand yoko uke, left hand reinforcing

Left leg moves to left, pivot and face 45-deg to left of center line of kata, left foot forward zenkutsu dachi down block w/ left arm

Right leg moves in, zenkutsu dachi stance w/ upper block right arm

Right leg moves 90-deg to right, right foot forward zenkutsu dachi down block w/ right arm

Left leg moves in, zenkutsu dachi stance w/ upper block left arm

Zanshin Yamae = move back to beginning open stance, but keep an eye on last opponent

Naote = return to closed stance, face front

Rei / bow

Kata is finished.


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